Tuesday 3 June 2008

Britney Spears Still Unfit For Legal Proceedings

A Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner said on Thursday (May 29) that Britney Spears is still unfit to participate in the legal proceedings of her conservatorship case.

Neither Spears nor her father or conservator, Jamie Spears, were in court today, with attorney's discussing her medical condition behind closed doors with Commissioner Reva Goetz.

Following the session, Spears' court-appointed attorney, Samuel Ingham, addressed the court saying her medical condition is "fluid" due to her changing treatment.

Goetz expressed concern, stating that the popstar is still unable to participate "in any meaningful way" to proceedings and "wants to do additional testing in the not-too-distant future – something we will need to address in June."

The Commissioner additionally stated that a business plan for Spears is to be filed by attorneys by June 13.

NEXT: Pete Wentz Explains Pregnancy Denials

Photo courtesy of Jive.